Power Electronics Challenge

Thank you for your applications!

the startup challenge by

The electricity network is experiencing a significant change in the way electricity is generated and consumed due to the increased uptake of low carbon technologies (LCTs). Therefore the need to enhance network flexibility and adaptability is critical, with power electronics proving to be a key enabler in this transition.

Iberdrola’s Scottish Power (SP) Energy Networks, along with other electricity licensees, are actively promoting the potential benefits of applying Power Electronic devices within the electricity network. SP Energy Networks have a holistic approach on this topic, covering medium voltage and LVDC, such as on-load tap changers, smart transformers, and LVDC Networks.

Despite the recognized benefits of using power electronic devices in medium/low voltage networks, there are several barriers preventing the wider application within the energy network. These include developing technologies, communications, health & safety, product lifetime, and efficiency.

Through its international Startup Program, PERSEO, Iberdrola now launches this Challenge. The group is looking for competitive, innovative power electronics solutions that allow medium and low voltage networks optimization, improving their flexibility under different load scenarios.

The main characteristics that will be taken into consideration are as follows:

Efficiency & Reliability

Solutions to improve the efficiency of power electronic devices and improve their reliability.


Power electronic devices that are economically competitive in the market.


Possible integration of these power electronic devices as part of new solutions/services to support a net zero energy network.

Power Quality

Solutions that can effectively improve the power quality of distribution networks.


Solutions to ensure the control & communications associated to avoid and defer conventional reinforcement, to ultimately achieve tangible savings for the network business.

Iberdrola has more than 1.1 million km of electric transmission and distribution power lines, distributed in the United States, Brazil, the UK and Spain. As part of this network there are more than 4,400 high to medium voltage substations and more than 1.5 million medium to low voltage distribution transformers, all built and operated to provide a high quality and reliable service to a total of 31 million electricity supply points.

Furthermore, Iberdrola is a pioneer in the digitization of its networks through the deployment of Smart Grids, the integration of storage solutions and the roll-out of electric vehicle charging stations. All this work is carried out in parallel to a great effort to minimize the environmental impact of these facilities.

This makes the Iberdrola Group the perfect partner for your business!

Pilot Project

Sign a collaboration agreement with Iberdrola. The project costs are covered & you will get full technical support to test your solution.

New Clients

When the pilot project succeeds, Iberdrola will add your solutions to its service territory and relevant companies within the group.


When the pilot succeeds, Iberdrola may offer you the opportunity to scale up your solution by means of commercial agreements.

Possible Investment

When you win, PERSO, the Venture Capital arm of Iberdrola, might consider investing in your solution as well.


4 November 2020
Applications Open

31 December 2020
Application Deadline

Dec ’20 – Jan ’21
Analysis of Proposals

Late January 2021

Winner Announcement


Pilot Project

Contact Iberdrola


See our responses to some of the most common questions or view our Terms & Conditions.

Why is Iberdrola the right partner for my company?

Iberdrola is no stranger to collaborating with startups. The group actively seeks to generate mutually beneficial partnerships and to facilitate the implementation of the best ideas.

Additionally, Iberdrola has more than 1.1 million km of electric transmission and distribution power lines, distributed in the United States, Brazil, the UK and Spain. As part of this network there are more than 4.400 high to medium voltage substations and more than 1.5 million medium to low voltage distribution transformers, all built and operated to provide a high quality and reliable service to a total of 31 million electricity supply points.

Furthermore, Iberdrola is a pioneer in the digitization of its networks through the deployment of Smart Grids, the integration of storage solutions and the roll-out of electric vehicle charging stations.

All this work is carried out in parallel to a great effort to minimize the environmental impact of these facilities.

What solutions are you looking for?

This time, Iberdrola's Challenge is looking for new innovative power electronics solutions that allow medium and low voltage networks optimization, improving their flexibility under different load scenarios.

The main characteristics that will be taken into consideration are as follows:

• Solutions to improve the efficiency of power electronic devices and improve their reliability.
• Power electronic devices that are economically competitive in the market.
• Possible integration of these power electronic devices as part of new solutions/services to support a net zero energy network.
• Solutions that can effectively improve the power quality of distribution networks.
• Solutions to ensure the control & communications associated to avoid and defer conventional reinforcement, to ultimately achieve tangible savings for the network business.

What are the Challenge's key benefits for me?

When you win the Challenge, the main prize will consist of you signing a collaboration and proof of concept agreement with Iberdrola/PERSEO.

For the collaboration of the pilot project, Iberdrola will:
• assume the costs of the collaboration and the proof of concept
• provide you with the necessary technical support to test the solution proposed
• give you access to equipment, appliances, infrastructure, high technology sites and joint work areas
• provide you with a real environment and real data to test your solution

Additional benefits include:
• scaling your solution by means of commercial agreements directly or indirectly through another Iberdrola group company
• a possibility for investment in your company through PERSEO
• adding your solution to Iberdrola's service territory if the pilot succeeds

What do I need to know about the Pilot Project?

The winner of the challenge will sign a partnership contract with Iberdrola and be able to test their solution in a real environment.

For the collaboration of the pilot project, Iberdrola will:
• assume the costs of the collaboration and the proof of concept
• provide the necessary technical support to test the solution proposed
• give access to equipment, appliances, infrastructure, high technology sites and joint work areas
• provide a real environment and real data to test the solution

The pilot project will be implemented in collaboration with specialist technicians from Iberdrola's network area.

Can I submit more than one proposal?

You are welcome to submit more than one proposal, just make sure to submit a separate application form for each.

When is the application deadline?

The application period for this challenge ends on 31 December 2020.

How will the applications be evaluated?

The proposals will be analyzed based on criteria of scalability, replicability, ease of implementation and direct impact on medium and low voltage.

The analysis of the offers will be carried out by experts in the network business of Iberdrola's group.